Love it! Great questions!

Some of the questions are repeated in the quizzes so not all the quizzes have different questions, that’s the only thing I probably didn’t like but for the rest I recommend it!


  1. Hi! Thanks for your comment. I am so happy to hear that you liked the questions.

    Just to clarify for others reading this, there are 240 unique questions spread across 12 quizzes, with each quiz containing 20 questions (12 quizzes x 20 questions = 240 questions total). None of the questions are repeated from Quiz 1 to Quiz 12. Additionally, there’s another format called Mock Exams, where the same 240 questions are divided into 2 mock exams to offer test takers an alternative testing option. These mock exams are timed, and the system selects 100 questions from the first 120 questions for Mock Exam-1, and another 100 questions from the second 120 questions batch for Mock Exam-2.
    Lastly, questions shuffle every time you restart a quiz or mock exam.